Jobs. Sales jobs worldwide

#Jobs #freelance #freelancer #sales #sale_professional #sales_jobs #sales_job #job #sale #distribution #worldwide #job_application

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NBS. Software distribution control system

#NBS is testing the new hidden central #software #distribution and #control system This central control system is written by the owner of NBS and solves the problem of theoretical #software theft. NBS owns over 15 millions #cold_contacts and has jobs for circa 100 #sales_professionals 24/7/365. #Freelancer, who needs contacts for their work can ask NBS for the prices and for #sales #cooperation.

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Job. NBS is looking for freelancer as creative director / partner

#Job. #NBS is looking for #freelancer as #creative_director / #business_partner. You have to be the #nature #talent or a #student on the #creative #university who want to start the #career as #cartoons or #comics #producer. NBS delivers you the non-stop queue for #creativity and for own #promotion with #cross_selling #possibilities. Contact Mr. Vladimir Nechaev with #portfolio and a kind #business_plan for your creative life

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