Ракетостроение – рак – это строение – ATLAS-I

#Ракетостроение#рак это #строение#Южмаш#Юмашева#дПтС#космос#Рогозин#космодром_восточный – предмет в центре #стадион#облучение#ATLAS I #installation#Байконур#Kirtland_Air_Basehttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kirtland_Air_Force_Base#/media/File:EMP_simplator_Krtland_AFB_New_Mexico.jpghttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ATLAS-I#радар#FGAN#FVEY#фильм “За всё заплачено” – #кареглазые#Славик#ложь#география#Madness – Our #house in the middle of the street – #возвышенность#радиация#дело_врачей#медики – захват #заложник#Studie_Ware_Kind#убийство#индуцированное_заболевание#выжидание#facility #management#халифат#наследование#терроризм#банда#cult#саентологи

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This is how the German secret service uses North Korea to spy

Germany under #Wachtberg #Radar of #FGAN in the own north part is the alias of #North_Korea and #South_Korea the alias of south of the #Germany with US ( #UKUSA) #NSA #FVEY #installation in the diplomatic jokes https://www.nknews.org/pro/how-north-korean-diplomatic-missions-help-proliferation-and-arms-trafficking/ And you can just say “North Korea” under poisoned air of Germany and the NSA/BND robots begins to work automatically. Normally the agents works throw the #fake_cases in the #police and by #authorities. Absolutely sick practice and total true. #Germany 2021 is still the totalitarian country. Because of that the #benchmark is not wrong. Fake case is the official #crime in Germany. Just look at the Korean picture to understand who will be used as #bandit in Germany. True benchmark. Made by #central #intelligence services. Do you need evidences? Try to follow the #radioactivity #trail and to use the legal system of Germany to feel you are in the North Korea, how the #media writes about it.

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