Psy care for veterans: Russia let you win today

#Psy care to #veterans_day under blue-yellow #flag colors: Russia let them win today #psychology #Russia #intervention of #navy on the Russian periphery, called so: okraina. International #terrorists becomes the psy anesthesiology today. Have a nice day, #warriors.

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Drupal CMS: standing with navy hackers colors

The blue-yellow #flag on the popular #CMS #Drupal #website can be seen. A lot of websites uses Drupal, #White_House inclusive. All of them are now ideological poisoned. Guess what of kind of power projection could come next #update on your website? The colors of #maritime #navy services #power_reflection

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Finanzamt Wuppertal schmückt sich mit Farben der US-Navy

#Finanzamt #Elberfeld schmückt sich mit der #Flagge der #BRD und mit einer Flagge in Farben der #US #Navy Der #Anlass wurde nicht bekanntgegeben. Offenbar der planmäßig zum Ablauf des 100-jährigen Revolutionsfristes von #Vladimir #Lenin, eines Freundes von Stadtfigur #Friedrich_Engels vorbereitete #Angriffskrieg ( #Abschaffung des ehemaligen § 80 #StGB zum #Jahreswechsel 2016/2017) auf dem #Randterritorium von #Russland. Das wird hier als #Hilferuf aufgefasst.

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Virginia, West Virginia

Sugar Grove is located in an officially designated National #Radio #Quiet #Zone that covers 13,000 square miles (34,000 km2) in #West_Virginia and Virginia. #sugar_grove #sugar #sugar_grove_station #navy #coast_guard #Virginia #virgin #Zucker #Zuckerberg #Сахаров #Захарова #Захар #девственницы #Culture #outlook: West Virginia, take me #home #homeland #security

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Брежнев – NAVY

#агент – #Брежнев#Вера_Брежнева – #Вера – #Вероника#Verona#Feldbusch#Feld#Бережнюк#береговая_охрана#coast_guard#coast#guard#guardian#guardiola#гвардия#Костя#Константин#Kostal#Кастаньеда#NAVY#Навальный

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Wuppertal – Neptun

Research on #culture usage for #spies #recruiting – Neptun monument – #SEA_ORG#scientologists#Zaslonkin trollface as #neighbor#Abschirmer (#shielder) – #MAD#crack_smoking as monument picture under #Neptun – finger down as a part of Baphometбезумие-жаргон/ – crack = IT #hack (two times in WU locations in #Wuppertal ) – #Radioaktivität #radiation in the #city – #uran color – #taxes authority – nuke mil power of the Russian #navy as the #aim of recruiters – Guten Tag, господин president. #Cult and culture #for_free. #Rattengift ausgelegt, #per_favore

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