Just save this video to see what will happens in the future

Just save this #video to see what will happens in the #future https://www.bbc.com/news/av/uk-politics-62428665 Most probably we will see the stories with another #doppelganger in the real British #newspapers as realistic looking #cancer #patients, if their #voodoo #puppets in the politics are ready to go. #Case: former female politics figure. #sects #public_life #hospice #Maria_Magdalena #trolling #perverse #medicals #jokes #military_order #psy #psychologists #mental sick #press #students #farce missing #protection for social weak layers of society

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Law enforcement in the world of the only one sovereign

Law #Research NBS: #Ambitions of American #military #prosecutor office makes the common #law way not possible, but, if you need small #money for #civil law #operation, you can probably use anti drugs #mafia #budget like this: https://tvzvezda.ru/news/vstrane_i_mire/content/20209161226-an664.html a bit #perverse and #extremely #dangerous (this is why you can get strange “friends”, who break in to your #car or #garage or like this), but it works for a part of the law way, if you need to move from A to B to #enforce the #law under the #criminals in the #authorities. Here is how NBS shoots the #allegoric drug #aircraft down: https://nbs-research.com/was-ist/wie-funktioniert/wissenschaft/kriminologie/drogen-lexikon/ If you ask why #Venezuela and why military prosecutor, take a look at Snowden’s #leaks about #PRISM.

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