NTV: doppelganger of Nixon speak hidden language about warfare

#NTV: the younger #psy #doppelganger of ex #president #Nixon https://www.nixonlibrary.gov/ speak #hidden_language about #warfare of #Biden https://www.ntv.ru/ beware of mind damages from #TV https://nbs-research.com/chto-takoe/радикализм/ | https://www.gettextbooks.com/isbn/9783492218412/

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Historic Brtish Yemen and arab countires coalition

#Training of #economic and #warfare #crisis by crisis group in #Yemen https://www.crisisgroup.org Who is #next?

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Massive cyber war operations in Wuppertal

#Cyber #warfare in #Wuppertal is on going https://lovesunpeace.com/102/this-is-how-the-special-services-recriting-works-in-the-real-world#comment-1001 #news #extremists are inside of the #police

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DDoS cyber attacks: The blog-microblog Ping-!-Pong has had 2 days of cyber attacks

Hello, the #microblog has #weekend of #DDoS_attack https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denial-of-service_attack on the #server in #Germany The #service was temporarily unavailable. Sorry for #inconvenience. #DDos #DoS #attack #flooding #IT_fight #cyber #cyber_warriors #cyber_attack #cyber_warfare #warfare #Elektronische_Kampfführung

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